【Application Deadline】Calling all fans! Send us your photo-messages and support the players of this years ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP@SHERWOOD!
This project is now closed for submissions.Thank you for applying.
In light of hosting the ZOZO CHAMPIONSHIP @ Sherwood on 2020 October 22 Thu ~ 25 Fri, we are requesting submissions of messages to the players from golf fans in Japan!
Your message might even be displayed at the venue!
As you know, since this year’s tournament will be hosted in the US, we would love to receive inspiring messages from fans in Japan who couldn’t make it to the venue.
Please send us your messages with your photos and support the players!
◆How to apply
Please create a message board and take a picture holding your message board.
Feel free to include your friends and family in the picture.
Please refer to the sample image below.
・Please take a picture of your upper half body
・If possible, please write your name in the message
・Make sure your message is clear and easy to read for the players to see (all languages are accepted)
Recruitment period runs from Thursday September 24th to Tuesday September 29th. Please prepare and send us your photos. We look forward to seeing all of your applications!
Click here for details for how to apply to this project.